Brain Gym® and Academic Tutoring

About Brain Gym®

Brain Gym® is a system of brain exercises that work for any age adults and children encouraging brain stimulation to aid both high achievers and those with processing or learning frustrations and difficulties. Gayle Weinand, M.A. is a licensed Brain Gym® Consultant/Instructor. She has taught pre-school, second, third, and fourth grades, and Jr. High, as well as Spanish and ESL. Gayle wants to provide an alternative solution to the frustrations of ADD, dyslexia and other difficult but not hopeless challenges in the learning process. Brain Gym® & tutoring improves confidence, memory, concentration, organization skills, body coordination, eye-strain, chronic stress, phobias, and enhances performance in almost all areas of life.

Get In Touch

Contact Us

949-363-8250 Office


24531 Jeremiah Dr. Unit A
Dana Point, CA 92629


Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm


Please understand that in answering questions we do not diagnose or prescribe, but offer nutritional information only to help you to co-operate with your doctor in your mutual problem of building health. In the event you use this information without your doctor’s approval you are prescribing for yourself which is your constitutional right, but we assume no responsibility.