Zyto Bio-Communication Technology

About Zyto Technology

Zyto technology uses quantum physics as well as established galvanic skin response to measure fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin. Your body’s systems are designed to maintain high energy, good health, and general balance. But physical, dietary and emotional demands often overwhelm these systems leaving your body compromised and depleted of the resources it needs.

Zyto technology sends stimuli to the body and measures the response. This information is extremely valuable, in letting you know how your body is prioritizing different nutritional supplements or food choices.

Zyto Technology enables a computer to communicate with your body. We call this bio-comunication, and it can provide you with powerful new insights about your health.

So whether your body is dealing with big challenges, little challenges or if you are seeking proactive health support, information gathered in this way can help you make better decisions for your health.

Get In Touch

Contact Us

949-363-8250 Office


24531 Jeremiah Dr. Unit A
Dana Point, CA 92629


Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm


Please understand that in answering questions we do not diagnose or prescribe, but offer nutritional information only to help you to co-operate with your doctor in your mutual problem of building health. In the event you use this information without your doctor’s approval you are prescribing for yourself which is your constitutional right, but we assume no responsibility.